Enhance Your Life Journey
with Positively Healing Today!
Open yourself to Optimal Healing, Easier Breathing, Greater Strength and New Resilience!
Meet the Founder, Master Healer/Master Teacher Rhonda Battisto.

My passion is Positively Healing! ~ I provide guidance, coaching, resources, qigong concepts and instruction to people of all ages from all backgrounds. My unique approach to ‘Positively Healing!’ fosters a supportive environment and promotes optimal, holistic well-being.
In my Monday ‘Qigong for Women’s Health’ class series I guide women on their healing journeys using empowering conversations, qigong practice, guided meditation with compassion, joy, and enthusiasm. This series beautifully serves and uplifts those who have been attending consistently for years as well as and every beginner along the way! (No previous experience or special equipment is needed.)
Whether individual personalized guidance or group workshops, my empowering conversation and healing energy enables you to navigate life with more self-love, kindness, and forgiveness – with effective holistic healing tools to you can enjoy more vibrant aliveness every week!
Find inspiration & healing in Rhonda’s latest blog >
Good, Better, Best!
I teach in the tradition of Spring Forest Qigong ‘SFQ’ which I began learning in spring of 2000.In my 25 th year of qigong practice, I am nearing the end of two decades of teaching! I began as a volunteer at SFQ student meetings at St. Thomas College in St. Paul. I...
Explore Your Healing Path
Healing Support
Receive empowering guidance, resources, and energetic support to clear blockages and promote holistic healing for yourself and your beloved companion animals.
Qigong for Women's Health Class
Join Rhonda from the comfort of your home for a weekly Qigong for Women’s Health class. This online course is held Mondays from 10:00-11:30 AM CST
Energy Healing Instruction
We offer a diverse range of interactive healing and empowerment presentations suitable for various settings like professional meetings, clubs, schools, hospitals, and more.
Subscribe to our healing blog and recieve goodness right to your inbox
My ‘secret sauce’, the one ingredient that makes me unique in my industry is: Positively Healing! I direct my intention, expertise, words and energy positively, to powerfully create an environment which promotes your optimal healing, balance, and vibrant aliveness. With overarching joy and persistent optimism, I guide students and clients using a variety of effective holistic tools, to help them get – and stay – on their healing path with more love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion for themselves and others!
From some of my clients…
News and Events
Good, Better, Best!
I teach in the tradition of Spring Forest Qigong ‘SFQ’ which I began learning in spring of 2000.In my 25 th year of qigong practice, I am nearing...
Present Moment Awareness for Better Health
Mindfulness, awareness - simply noticing what is happening within and around us in any moment can help us to accept more, judge less (or less...
How Do You Pronounce Qigong? My Journey with Spring Forest Qigong and Its Holistic Benefits
Explore my personal journey into qigong, starting with a memorable lesson on pronunciation from Master Chunyi Lin. Discover why how you say ‘qigong’ is less important than the holistic health benefits this ancient practice offers. Learn more about qigong’s impact on body-mind wellness and get information on my ‘Qigong for Women’s Health’ classes.