Dear Friends,
New life bursting forth from earth and trees can hearten and inspire us as summer fast approaches. Nature’s ability to regenerate so beautifully after a long cold winter, a fire, or a natural disaster is stunning. Growth and regrowth are all around us. Life happens. Life prevails. It is an honor to witness how life wins! Even when we are weary, feeling unwell or grieving, life is dynamic in its presence. We can choose to pay attention to and learn from life. As we go along and get along, we are invited to gracefully release things, experiences, and even people that no longer serve us well – kindly – to change with the seasons of our lives. I enjoy relationships that are mutually satisfying. Not necessarily equal or even, there’s no need to keep score. It’s great when each party is willing, content, happy, and benefiting from time and energy shared.
Spring is an ideal time to purge things that feel heavy or limit our joy, from our homes, cars, and minds. In every moment we have the opportunity to open ourselves to goodness, increase our awareness and trust for life; to discover the best of our selves and the life we live. Notice: What are you noticing? What brings you joy? What are you holding on to that feels heavy or no longer useful? Are you ready to let go?
In this newsletter you will find:
- What is Success?
- The Best of the Best!
- Qigong for Your Health
- Have Qi ~ Will Travel!
- Book Recommendations
Could you use some expert energetic and pragmatic support for your healing and life goals? Contact me to schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation. There is no time like now!
There is no higher compliment than a referral or recommendation.
Positively Healing,
Rhonda Battisto
Wonder Horse, LLC
Improving the quality of life with compassion.
What is Success?
In recent months, there have been many chances to ponder the question, ‘What is success?’ as I observe myself and move toward my goals. Observing what others focus on, strive for and speak of most is quite interesting, too. For some, it may be having a safe place to sleep, food, and loved ones near. Others strive for symbols of success that smack of keeping up with the Jones’ types of achievements, experiences and belongings. Many define success as having fulfilling work, plenty of leisure time or disposable income. Being in close communion with nature is the key for many. Downsizing and living more simply with far less seems to be a growing standard for success. And then there is the freedom to do whatever you choose. Success can be viewed from many angles! Is it perhaps leaving things and situations you don’t like – regardless of how long you’ve tolerated them? Or, moving toward your goals, even though you’re not ‘there’ yet? Could success be…
- Being truly available to what IS; choosing to be present in each moment
- Looking through loving eyes
- Realizing that you’ll get through this
- Lives uplifted or suffering reduced because of your influence
- Growing into your highest potential self
- Staying calm when you feel like yelling or trying instead of giving up
- Helping a neighbor, friend or stranger in need
- Being kind – especially to those who are not kind
- Being true to yourself – honest with yourself and others
- Helping others appreciate their value, beauty and strength
- Working toward something (rather than against)
- Loving and caring for yourself through mistakes and low times
- Asking for help when you need it; being vulnerable
- Being still. Listening to the spectacular whispers of the universe
- Paying attention to what is right in front of you
I would love to learn from you! Post a comment below….
Awards Presentation: Best of the Best!

Top performing stylist managers from over 60 Great Clips stores were celebrated and awarded by their franchise owner, Future Keys, LLC for their skills and dedication. The Future Keys mission; To Inspire a Culture of Success with Compassion and Respect. The way the organization lives into this mission made it a delight to deliver a custom keynote address for their Best of the Best. Gatherings were held on April 9th and 11th in the South Bend and Indianapolis, Indiana areas, to congratulate and spotlight the best and brightest staffers who work tirelessly to ensure that we all look our best.
As a former cosmetologist and medical qigong practitioner for nineteen years, building successes on a foundation of love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion, I felt a kinship and found working with these groups particularly energizing. It was simply great to find such connection, warmth, laughter, music and dancing – even a spontaneous conga line! We played with our personal energy, shared uplifting concepts and practiced self-healing together using qigong healing mindset and movements. Everyone experienced the power we each hold to affect our own self-healing, wellBEing and happiness.

Qigong for Your Health
Learn how to use the power of your breathing, mind and simple movements to enhance and balance the flow of energy in your body. Qigong, an ancient Eastern practice, promotes natural, holistic healing. With easy, gentle movements, you can balance your personal energy to reduce stress, relieve pain, heal faster, and enjoy better mental focus, strength, resilience and vitality.
Enjoy a brief lecture on qigong concepts, Q&A, simple healing movements and meditation. You’ll receive a FOUNDATION for a consistent qigong practice, plus knowledge and experience GROWTH in a beautiful setting with the expertise and enthusiasm of master healer and teacher, Rhonda Battisto!
$15.00 per person. Save when you purchase 5 consecutive sessions for $60.00

HAVE Qi ~ Will Travel!
Wonder Horse Healing delightedly provides private energy healing support, mentoring and coaching sessions, practice group leadership, classes for family, church, staff and volunteer groups, healing qigong interactive presentations, uplifting keynote addresses, corporate and private instruction at your location or ours! Leading classes at a number of private, public and corporate locations in North America. Compassionate, expert residential and commercial space clearing and organization support. Wonder Horse travels widely to share healing energy, empowering instruction, and healing support for traveling executives and vacationing families. Please contact Rhonda to discuss your needs. ‘Have Qi – Will Travel!’
Recommended Reading
BOOK: The Ultimate Medicine by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
QUOTE: “What you accumulate can be yours – can never, ever by you.”
~ Sadhguru