I teach in the tradition of Spring Forest Qigong ‘SFQ’ which I began learning in spring of 2000.
In my 25 th year of qigong practice, I am nearing the end of two decades of teaching! I began as a volunteer at SFQ student meetings at St. Thomas College in St. Paul. I then had just enough confidence to lead a small ‘newbie’ breakout group in discussions about getting started with qigong and play Master Lin’s meditations. A few years later I became certified as a master healer and SFQ instructor.

A prime concept in SFQ is ‘Good, Better, Best’. It is all good! We are here, together, on this planet, being and practicing life (and perhaps qigong)! Also, everything is energy. Love is energy, and so is a head cold. Einstein said, “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transformed.” My teacher said, “We have a choice to transform our energy (personal and collective) for better or worse.” Choose carefully! There is a perfect imperfection that we work with throughout our lives. Let’s do so with extra love, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion along the way, shall we?
We have the option to aim for better (things, times, people, experiences, and circumstances) for ourselves, to not ‘aim’ at all and allow bad times or bad feelings take us down, down, down to ‘who knows’ how deep. With ‘Good, Better, Best’ we realize that we are always starting as good – and we can choose to aim for better and best! No one really knows our highest potential, yet each of us knows when we are aiming higher. Aiming for ‘better’ and ‘best’ with kindness in our hearts and compassion for challenges, is always worthwhile. With patience and persistence – and especially with support – we can aim for the stars together. Even if we miss, we’re good… we’re looking up!
If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of cultivating more ‘Good, Better, Best’
in your life, reach out here: https://thewonderhorse.biz/contact-rhonda/ and mention Good, Better, Best! The first ten people to respond will receive one of three gifts, valued at $15.00. The first person gets all three!