Dear Friends,
Socrates said: “An unexamined life is not worth living.” Every day is an opportunity to reflect upon recent experiences. How have you been living? Are you making the most of opportunities coming your way? Is it time to focus your attention and actions to make improvements? Have you overcome obstacles and can now take a moment to really enjoy those successes? Reflection is so important! Of course, it is wonderful to reflect while in nature.
As we strive to come to know and understand ourselves, we can increase the meaning, power and value in our lives. I often deepen and clarify my understanding of life, during deep talks with dear friends and loved ones or while writing. I find value in looking back (and within) with a keen, compassionate eye. Are you being kind to yourself? It is easier to hold a high standard of kindness for others when we practice ‘at home’, with ourselves. Do you laugh easily? Can you go with the flow?
I would love to support your progress with healing and other goals through energy healing support & empowering conversation. (Check out the testimonials below!)
Solstice Special Offer! In June and July you can enjoy phone sessions for only $45. (Regularly $60 for 25 minutes,) Call or email today to schedule your session. Let’s begin!
In this newsletter you will find:
Article: Deepening Your ConnectionUpcoming Events
: SFQ Level One in Sauk Centre & Wonder Horse at Creators Space!
Recent Events:
- Woman Spirit Network Retreat
- Crescent Cove Children’s Respite & Hospice Home Milestone!
- Crow Wing Crest Resort Healer’s Retreat
Reading Recommendations
How can Wonder Horse support you on your healing journey? Please share the goodness and forward this email to anyone who may be interested. Thank you!
Positively Healing,
Rhonda Battisto
Wonder Horse, LLC
Improving the quality of life through love, kindness, forgiveness and compassion

As we go through each day, accomplishing tasks, flowing through routines, facing challenges and choosing how to spend precious time and energy, we have the option to make an important investment in ourselves and our highest good. Time spent listening, being still and receptive. Time to let go of TO DO lists, others, technological wonder gadgets. Time to connect with the higher self, blue sky mind, intuition, inner healer, great teacher, the cosmos or divine; whatever you call the enormously powerful energy that enlivens and nourishes us in every moment of our lives – even when we fail to pay attention to it.
When we spend a few minutes (or hours) each day in stillness and silence – especially while in nature, we gain a stronger awareness of the aliveness that we are, the optimal direction to aim for, the value of (and joy in) simple presence, and a myriad of gifts, including improved intuition, spontaneous arising of solutions to problems, and a deepening of peace and equanimity. Even ten minutes of stillness, silence, and awareness of self, aliveness and surroundings can change the course of your day, week, or year!
If you haven’t yet given it a try, please do…and let me know what you notice. If you’re already doing this regularly, please let me know how you benefit from your practices. Send an email or write a post on the Wonder Horse ‘Positively Healing’ Facebook page. We want to hear from you!
Upcoming Events
Spring Forest Qigong for Health: No pre-requisite. June 10, 2018.
Registration is full ! It’s going to be a great healing day in Sauk Centre!
For details, click on the blue link below.
Spring Forest Qigong– 2nd & 4th Monday afternoons starting July 9th, plus Healing Support Sessions Wednesdays ,starting July 11th, plus Healing With Words workshop series, Friday afternoons beginning August 17th.
JUST BEGIN! at Creators Space in Lowertown, an amazing place to think, explore and create! Join us for positively healing in this phenomenal community space.
We provide private energy healing, mentoring, will lead your private practice group, family, church, staff or volunteer classes, healing Spring Forest Qigong interactive presentations or private instruction at your location or ours! Currently teaching classes at a number of private, public and corporate locations in North America. Wonder Horse travels widely to share energy, healing and empowering instruction! Wonder Horse would love to serve your group! Contact Rhonda for more information.
Every Wednesday evening, coordinated/led by Rhonda Battisto and Michelle Huber
There will be NO PRACTICE GROUP session on July 4th. Enjoy your independence!!
Healing services available in Woodbury studio, before and after practice. Contact Rhonda to schedule!
Recent Events
Woman Spirit Network: On the last weekend of April, the Woman Spirit Network Retreat was wonderful! This retreat is coordinated and operated entirely by volunteers (including Wonder Horse!). As a non-profit endeavor, it is exceptionally affordable. Bonfires & stories on frozen lake shore. Everyone received a special card. Wonder Horse’s said ‘Surrender to Effortlessness’. Love that! So why do we so often resist surrendering to WHAT IS and what is meant to be easy, flowing, natural and wonderful – or challenging and character/strength building for our own good? It was a very healing weekend for women from varying backgrounds spanning three generations. Drumming. Good food is served up next to great company and much laughter. A magical mixture! Hope to see you there in October!
* WSN sells out each spring & fall. Women’s retreat: advance deposits strongly recommended.
Crescent Cove Children’s Respite & Hospice Home hosted their first family (after MN licensing was finalized!) on May 18th. Congratulations, Katie Liindenfelser!! Go go go (and please do support) Crescent Cove!
Crow Wing Crest Healer’s Retreat was fantastic! Woodpeckers, eagles, hummingbirds, chipmunks and qigong – lots of qigong! A class & many healing support sessions by Wonder Horse! Some of the feedback received over the course of the weekend:
“I feel all full, all connected and all here for the first time in a while.” J.M.
“This is the best service I’ve had all weekend. Thank you SO much!” M.B.
“My back feels fantastic!” J.S.
“Rhonda masterfully guides you through energy work in the discovery of fresh insights regarding sources of discomfort, bringing solutions to the surface. Rhonda exudes enthusiasm for qigong practice and for your improvement, while leaving you feeling comforted and nurtured. I appreciate that Rhonda genuinely cares, as indicated by her follow up with notes to sustain the healing process.” M. L.
* Check out the CWC Relaxation Retreat in September! Co-ed: advance deposits recommended.
Recommended Reading
BOOK: Help Thanks Wow – The Three Essential Prayers by Anne Lamott
BOOK: I Hope I Screw This Up by Kyle Cease
QUOTE: “Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another.” – Thomas Merton