Happy Winter, Friends!
It is a great time to sit quietly and reflect on recent months. Have you been the best version of yourself? Kind? Caring? Generous? Respectful? Forgiving? Honest? Inspiring? Loyal? Have you been happy with yourself? Do you appreciate the flow of energy in you and your life? Of course, it is easy to get caught up in what we think and how we feel about others’ words or actions. We may even let them distract us from our own goals and values.
Remember to bring yourself back home. You are the most important person (and environment) in your world. You are where the change that you want to see must begin. Each of us is 100% responsible for our actions. In the last few weeks of winter, take some time to reflect upon you, your goals, values and actions. How do your actions in recent days and months align with your values? The great news is that RIGHT NOW you have the opportunity to act even more in alignment with your values. List your top five values and choose one which could use some ‘shoring up’. Choose to do something every day to ‘exercise’ it. Everyone benefits when we choose to live in harmony with our own values.
Are you open to Positively Healing support for reaching your health and life goals? Let’s schedule a 15-minute complimentary consultation!
In this newsletter, you’ll find:
- March 1st Qigong Basics Workshop details
- Wonder Horse YouTube Channel debut!
* Holistic Living TV interview
Qigong for Your Health class EVERY MONDAY!
*Bring a friend FREE 2nd Mondays!
*Holistic Gateway studio is moving April 1, 2020. - Article: Wonder Horse at Crescent Cove Respite/Hospice
- Have Qi ~ Will Travel!
- Inspiring Quotes
I am grateful for the clients I support who value my services, give sincere feedback and recommend me to others. Thank you! There is no higher compliment than a referral or recommendation.
Please forward this email to those who may be interested in receiving healing support or attending my events and consider leaving your rating/review on Google (see button, below). Thank you!
Positively Healing,
Rhonda Battisto, Master Healer
Wonder Horse, LLC
Improving the quality of life with compassion.
Wonder Horse on Holistic Living TV!
Nancy Johnson, host of Holistic Living TV interviewed Master Healer Rhonda Battisto of Wonder Horse Healing. Rhonda shared information about Positively Healing with qigong for the benefit of viewers seeking complementary and alternative holistic healing modality information. Rhonda led qigong healing movements and answered questions about how qigong benefits people and animals of all ages as well as the world we live in.
Click the button below to view the 1/2-hour video and check out the Wonder Horse YouTube channel today!
Positively Healing!
Qigong Basics Workshop
On Sunday, March 1st:
Learn and practice powerful self-healing techniques that help you to breathe easier, build resilience, feel better, heal faster and cultivate more energy in life! Master Healer Rhonda Battisto enthusiastically provides expert information, guidance and positive healing energy in this class. In the tradition of Spring Forest Qigong, you will learn and practice effective tools for self-empowerment and healing yourself and others.
Date/Time: Sunday, March 1, 2020 Noon-2pm
Location: Rosebrook Park, 2590 Fry Street, Roseville, MN 55113
Cost: $20 per person
Dress comfortably: layers are wise. Please don’t wear strong scents. No previous experience, special apparel or equipment is needed. Appropriate for adults at any age/stage of health and children mature enough to be patient and respectful for up to 2 hours. Please do join us. You’ll be so glad you did!”
Above: Teaching ‘Moving of Yin & Yang healing movement. With award winning Future Keys, LLC/Great Clips salon managers in Indianapolis, IN. Below: Indy managers ‘Harvesting the Qi’ after qigong healing movements.
2nd Mondays: Bring a Friend FREE!
* Bring a new friend free 2nd Mondays.
Qigong For Your Health workshops help you to learn to use the power of your breath, mind and simple movements to enhance and balance the flow of energy in your body. An ancient Eastern practice, qigong promotes natural, holistic healing. With easy, gentle movements, you can balance your personal energy to reduce stress, relieve pain, heal faster, and enjoy greater vitality, mental focus, strength, resilience.
Enjoy a brief lecture on qigong healing concepts, Q&A, gentle healing movements and meditation. In this series, you will receive a foundation for a consistent qigong self-healing practice with knowledge, experience and growth in a beautiful setting, guided by the enthusiasm and expertise of master healer and teacher, Rhonda Battisto. It is a GREAT way to begin each week!
Every Monday 10:30 a.m. to Noon (except Memorial & Labor Day) at Holistic Gateway in NE Mpls. through March 23rd. New location in April! See note below.
Dress comfortably. No previous experience, special equipment or attire is needed. Tuition: $15.00 per person *Each paying student can bring a friend who has not attended Rhonda’s classes. Valid March 9, April 13 and May 11, 2020
NEW STUDIO LOCATION IN APRIL! Holistic Gateway is moving to a new location with handicap access on April 1, 2020. Celebrate with us! Grand Opening/Open House event in Thunder Bay Mall, Little Canada, MN on April 19, 2020 1:00-6:00 p.m.
Wonder Horse Healing for Crescent Cove
Children’s Respite & Hospice Families

From the time founder Katie Lindenfelser had a vision, to the Crescent Cove Children’s Respite and Hospice Home official opening in 2018 and beyond, support for children living with life-shortening illness, dying children and their families has grown and grown! There have been many dynamic changes through the years. The excellent care that Crescent Cove caring staffers, practitioners and volunteers provide these families is vitally important! Sick and dying children and their families have unique needs that adult hospice cannot adequately provide. Crescent Cove fills these needs with incredible skill, compassion, innovative and comprehensive care in a beautifully enriching environment. In my fifth year providing healing support and palliative care for Crescent Cove, I continue to be inspired and uplifted by the children, families and the Crescent Cove Team!
Before the home opened, my healing support for these special kiddos and families was delivered primarily at their homes or hospitals. While I continue to be available to make home and hospital visits, it is a great honor to work with children of all ages, family members and the Crescent Cove team every week at Crescent Cove in Brooklyn Center, MN. Energy healing reduces pain and stress and promotes relaxation and uplifts the spirit. This is some of the most fulfilling work I’ve ever had the privilege to do. For many reasons, Crescent Cove is one of my favorite nonprofit organizations. Please consider supporting their mission generously.
Above: Serenity Rose Torgerson and her wonderful parents loved receiving qigong healing support. Serenity always enjoyed helping when I worked on her dad. More about Serenity’s family: http://www.crescentcove.org/why-we-do-it/kidsandfamilies/meet-serenity
HAVE Qi ~ Will Travel!
Wonder Horse Healing delightedly provides private energy healing support, mentoring and coaching sessions, practice group leadership, classes for family, church, staff and volunteer groups, interactive healing presentations, uplifting keynote addresses, corporate and private instruction at your location or ours! Leading classes at a number of private, public and corporate locations in North America. Compassionate, expert residential and commercial space clearing and organization support. Wonder Horse travels widely to share healing energy, empowering instruction and healing support for traveling executives and vacationing families. ‘Have Qi – Will Travel!’

Inspiring Quotes:
“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy..” Thich Nhat Hanh
“For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.” Audrey Hepburn