If you love something, let it go. If you love someone, let them go. True love is not grasping, limiting, ownership or control. True love is gentle, kind, allowing, and generous. We do not necessarily choose who we love. We do not always receive love back from those we are feeling love toward…no matter what it seemed like, or they promised, did or said in the past. People change; their minds, hearts, careers, lovers and lives. It’s part of living. Let go and move on.
If they find their way back to you, or someone new finds their way to you…check in with your heart for its truth in that moment. Consider the highest good for all involved. Then decide; what’s it going to be…love from a distance? Or perhaps the challenging love that takes hard work, trust, ongoing self-assessment, loving-kindness, compromise and compassion to be truly a part of – IN LOVE.
Please join us for the Art of the Heart 1-Day Retreat on Saturday, February 13, 2016 at Spirit United Community in Minneapolis. You’ll be glad you did!