(651) 276-3712 Rhonda@TheWonderHorse.biz


Happy Summer to You

Happy Summer to You

So many possibilities arise when the weather is balmy and the days are long. It seems like ages since the spring healing retreat at Crow Wing Crest Lodge, where the weather was perfect and there were many wonderful clients to serve well.

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Oh Yes, Let There Be Light!

Oh Yes, Let There Be Light!

Dear Friends,As the days finally begin to get longer, light is the theme all around. I feel lighter and more energized when I rise with the sun for my contemplative practices - and actually see it! It is great to write, practice qigong, yoga, chanting and/or...

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What are YOU grateful for?

What are YOU grateful for?

As you rise to meet the road ahead of you – troubles and triumphs galore! – please do focus on gratitude for all of the gifts and beauty your one wild life has presented to you. Right now, think of four things you’re grateful for, and then ‘hit reply’ and share them with me. I’m excited to hear from you!

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The Thread and the Weaver

The Thread and the Weaver

Sometimes we go around living, the best we can, 'doing life' through efforting and following the course that our parents or society says is 'the way', and feeling like it is all up to us. We get along, and perhaps even make a difference in the world, with a little bit...

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