(651) 276-3712 Rhonda@TheWonderHorse.biz

Dear Friends,

As the days finally begin to get longer, light is the theme all around. I feel lighter and more energized when I rise with the sun for my contemplative practices – and actually see it! It is great to write, practice qigong, yoga, chanting and/or meditation while facing the rising sun. On rare sunny days, I drive with the window down and catch golden rays on my face. Lightening up my attitude is a powerful choice always available to each of us. Taking ourselves and circumstances less seriously allows more light into our spirits.

For gray days we often experience in Minnesota, there are full-spectrum lights to help boost our mood. It can also be wonderfully warming and energizing to simply envision (or sense) the warmth and light of the sun (or 10 suns!) just behind your navel, whenever you’re feeling chilly or sluggish. Raise your energy vibration with a basic chant: Repeat aloud 21 (or more) times Ohm or Aum, making the sound for each full exhale. Try one or both of these practices and share your experience!

I support your unique goals with compassionate coaching – empowering conversation – and profound energy healing support in person, by phone and at a distance. Check out the testimonials (link) below, and call or email today to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation. It’s time – and you’re worth it!

In this newsletter:
Positively Healing
Autumn Events
Community ~ Connection ~ Collaboration
Qigong for Your Health
Have Qi ~ Will Travel!
Book Recommendations

Please share the goodness with (and forward this email to) anyone who may be interested. Thank you!

Positively Healing,
Rhonda Battisto
Wonder Horse, LLC
Improving the quality of life with compassion

Positively Healing is:

  • The Wonder Horse Way to help, heal, and support students, clients, and their families
  • Support for your goals: Coaching with empowering conversation, healing energy, holistic healing concepts and resources to help you make real progress toward your vision and intentions
  • Empowerment though truth, accuracy, and optimism
  • The practice of loving yourself through it all
  • Using the Law of Attraction which says, “What you focus on INCREASES.”
  • Choosing to focus on things other than: no, isn’t, doesn’t, don’t, won’t, can’t, shouldn’t, bad, wrong, etc.
  • Language supporting healing goals, like: “I’m healing my pain, illness, or injury.”,  “I am always on a healing path.”, or “Healing is in progress!” or even “Open during remodeling.” instead of programming the cells of the body with ‘energetic, oral training’ like “I have pain all of the time.” or “I’m never going to get better.”
  • Releasing failure messages and false beliefs about limitation and rooting for the goodness, greatness, fun and (of course) optimal healing, even when there are doubts or fears
  • Re-framing and refocusing fatalism, permanence and dread, to pure potential and the pathway leading there
  • Awareness and practices of ‘No one (and nothing) has to be wrong’…working with it all
  • Honoring the value of each individual and each experience: Everyone is on an important mission, with no one (and no part) left out
  • Truly holistic healing ‘life support’

Autumn Events Report


In late October, fifty women gathered in Crosslake, Minnesota to focus on healing, creativity, community and spirit. The theme this autumn was ‘Lifting the Veil – Connecting with Your Higher Self’. Group drumming, presentations, opportunities for sharing stories and the light of our hearts were ample. One standout aspect of this retreat is that its aim is not to create profits, but to regularly connect and serve women, in a place of respite and deep healing and transformation. Working with women in support of their positively healing journey is deeply inspiring, especially in this beautiful setting. The staff at Camp Knutson and volunteer women running the retreat always work to make it a phenomenal experience for participants, whose ages range through three generations. It was my particular delight to get to know some of the original planners of this retreat, which has been occurring twice yearly for well over a decade.


I served as an energy healer practitioner for a Day of Reflection at Benedictine Center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The theme: Global Heart; Humanities rite of passage from the love of power to the power of love.” was prompted by Anodea Judith – American author, speaker, and therapist. There are many wonderful ways to heal and reflect upon heart, spirit, meaning, beliefs, and life there. Exploring with open hearts and minds, more than a dozen women endeavored deeply together, and enjoyed solo time. It was wonderful to participate in the closing circle discussion after my final client session was complete in November. I look forward to returning in January!


A wonderfully diverse group of students at Metro State University studied the course: Perspectives on Peace this fall. They delved deeply into the meanings of and pathways to peace through study, journal keeping, somatic practices – even peace games! I was invited to do an interactive introductory presentation with them: Qigong for Peace and Vitality, which was received well by all. At a later even there, I met a young woman from a horse sanctuary (nonprofit organization) in Hastings: ThisOldHorse.org. I expect and plan to engage in qigong healing and volunteer qigong training there in 2019. Peace and horses: two favorite subjects!

Community ~ Connection ~ Collaboration

To expand the reach into, and positive impact upon the community; to educate consumers and health care professionals about the self-empowerment and qigong energy healing, Wonder Horse is now a part of:


Trailhead Health is a local consumer guide to holistic healing (currently in Minnesota), that helps people with why, when and how to integrate holistic therapies into existing healthcare, and creating more balanced, healthier lives. Their vision for the future is: A world where people are healthy and happy, actively considering and caring for their bodies holistically, supported by a refined and more integrative healthcare system.  I’m thrilled to be the ‘resident’ qigong expert at Trailhead Health, and look forward to supporting the Trailhead community with Positively Healing energy! 


Rhonda Battisto is now a Wellness Universe World-Changer, with plans to deliver healing workshops through the WU ‘Lounge’ online. A world of possibilities opens when we open ourselves to the global community!  Connecting with the Wellness Universe co-founders, there was an immediate appreciation for each of them, and their mission: To revolutionize the wellness industry and ultimately what wellness means, how we incorporate it into our lives and how we access and share wellness resources. Through our leading-edge online directory and platform, WU makes resources for self-help and empowerment, and connection to an evolutionary global wellness community easily accessible. WU believes that in connecting one another in the pursuit of whole health and well-being, personally and professionally, this causes a ripple effect that will ultimately inspire peace globally.   See Rhonda’s WU profile here: 

Qigong for Your Health

JOIN US 2nd & 4th MONDAYS IN 2019.

With Qigong for Your Health, learn how to use the power of your breathing, mind and simple movements to enhance and balance the flow of energy in your body. Qigong, an ancient Eastern practice, promotes natural, holistic healing. With easy, gentle movements, you can balance your personal energy to reduce stress, relieve pain, heal faster, and enjoy better mental focus, strength, resilience and vitality.

Enjoy a brief lecture on qigong concepts, Q&A, simple healing movements and meditation. You’ll receive a FOUNDATION for a consistent qigong practice, plus knowledge and experience GROWTH in a beautiful setting with the enthusiastic and expert master healer and teacher, Rhonda Battisto!

$15.00 per person. SAVE & buy a block of 5 consecutive sessions for $60.00.

NOTE: No class on December 24, 2018 or Memorial Day 2019.

Have Qi - Will Travel

Wonder Horse Healing delightedly provides private energy healing, mentoring and coaching sessions, practice group leadership, classes for family, church, staff and volunteer groups, healing qigong interactive presentations and private instruction at your location or ours!  Currently holding classes at a number of private, public and corporate locations in North America. Wonder Horse travels widely to share healing energy and empowering instruction, including healing support for traveling executives and vacationing families.  Please contact Rhonda to discuss your needs. Have Qi – Will Travel!

Recommended Reading

BOOKS:    Expecting Adam by Martha Beck
                  If the Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D.

QUOTE:      “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
                    Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” 
                                                                               Martin Luther King, Jr.